Tag: 2007-2020 posts

March 13, 2020

Do you ever think about why you want to lose your weight? My early WHY came in the form of …

March 6, 2020

Weightloss comes down to four things. I teach them to you every week. 1. Drink water without bitching about it. …

March 5, 2020

Let’s talk about a realistic food plan to lose weight. #ilost100lbs Facebook Live: Realistic Food Plan to Lose Weight   Go …

February 28, 2020

I suffered through diets most of my life. I believed I had to either be miserable hungry or avoid anything …

February 27, 2020

Don’t over complicate weightloss. Too many people try to get fancy and today we get back the basics. #ilost100lbs Facebook Live: …

February 22, 2020

As you know, I lost 100 lbs. 15 years ago. Since then, I’ve made it my life’s mission to teach …

February 20, 2020

When I lost my weight I had to bitch slap my brain. It was acting like an ass on a …

February 15, 2020

Five things you must stop thinking and saying to yourself to lose weight. Show Notes: Facebook Live: Five things you …

February 14, 2020

Creating your own daily routines makes losing weight even easier than I’m already making it for you. There are only …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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