Tag: 2007-2020 posts

May 1, 2020

For years I would end a “good day of dieting” by eating too much at dinner. I’d think, “Shit. I …

April 27, 2020

Do you feel lost in a sea of diet rules you’ve collected over the years? I bet you do. Here …

April 24, 2020

One reason I lost 100lbs is because I didn’t set a goal weight. I got focused on the goal PERSON …

April 20, 2020

Weighing in is a skill. Most of us haven’t learned how to do it. Today’s free training goes into detail. …

April 17, 2020

Do you do good all day only to be blowing it every night at 8pm? My clients call this the …

April 13, 2020

On Instagram, a guy told me, “Now’s not the time time to lose weight. This is a pandemic. You should …

April 10, 2020

I want you to read what my client wrote. “I realized something today that may have been obvious to some …

April 5, 2020

I’m ALL IN right now on changing my mindset first thing each morning. I noticed myself and my clients feeling …

April 3, 2020

I spent years losing weight, gaining weight, then talking terribly to myself. The more shit talk I piled on myself, …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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