Tag: 2007-2020 posts

August 7, 2020

Are you freaking out about sending your kids back to school? In a normal year we start thinking we’re not …

July 31, 2020

How do you stick to your meal plan? I figured out how to explain it to my clients, almost by …

July 31, 2020

Each week I go live to answer questions from 1000’s of listeners of the podcast. If you’re a regular viewer …

July 24, 2020

I just turned 46. It made me think about my life for the last 15 years since losing 100lbs. I’ve …

July 23, 2020

Each week I go live to answer questions from 1000’s of listeners of the podcast. If you’re a regular viewer …

July 17, 2020

You are going to have a weightloss plateau. Every single woman at some point will hop on the scale, expect …

July 10, 2020

There’s no shame in my game. I caved to chips after dinner the other day. Kathy wanted to keep eating …

July 3, 2020

I’ve had a goal to run a sub-30 minute 5K for years. It’s been a dream of mine to run …

July 2, 2020

Each week I go live to answer questions from 1000’s of listeners of the podcast. If you’re a regular viewer …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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