Tag: 2007-2020 posts

August 4, 2017

Today we talk about why meal plans never work! And I’m talking about meal plans that you find on Pinterest, …

August 2, 2017

I’m working with over 800 women who took advantage of a free week with me. Each one got a plan, …

July 28, 2017

On today’s podcast we talk about when to start and stop eating. If you know when to start and when …

July 21, 2017

Today we hear about how we tell ourselves all the things we’re too fat to do! One of my clients …

July 14, 2017

On this podcast we talk about the drama we each have about our legs! Legs have always been a source …

July 10, 2017

People write to me asking for help with all kinds of things. This week I took a listeners question: “What …

July 7, 2017

Today we talk about a topic I’ve been blogging about for years, Fat Girl Thinking or FGT. That’s the inner …

June 30, 2017

Today we talk about how we tend to overuse the word “should.” Our husbands should do this, our weight loss …

June 23, 2017

Today we talk about the blame game. It’s so easy to think if our husbands would quit keeping junk in …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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