Tag: 2007-2020 posts

December 9, 2017

Do you find yourself good at making plans but unable to stick to it? In this podcast I teach you …

December 8, 2017

I think people-pleasing is my most requested topic to discuss. People-pleasing is saying yes when you need to say no. …

December 1, 2017

If you are breathing and need to lose weight you have run into food pushers. Our moms want us to …

November 24, 2017

One of the biggest problems with losing weight is this: You want it to be easy. Most of us don’t …

November 20, 2017

Most of us would love to be exercisers. BUT, most of us with 100lbs to lose don’t love it. Today …

November 17, 2017

Are you worried what people will think of you? With Christmas parties and Thanksgiving coming it’s easy to start worrying …

November 10, 2017

Let’s get geared up for the holidays! In the PNPTribe the girls have a whole program called Handling the Holidays …

November 6, 2017

In today’s episode I talk about autism. Our son has it and I wanted to share our journey, how I …

November 3, 2017

As usual I am on my period at podcast time. Today we talk about… What to do for bloat. How …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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