Tag: 2007-2020 posts

May 21, 2018

Getting things done is the best way to predict your weight loss. But, you likely spend time in worrying about …

May 18, 2018

I had a client ask “I ate chocolate today, should I skip my joy food this weekend?” Oh HELL NO! …

May 14, 2018

You’ll always have people doubt you can lose weight. That’s the way it works. They may doubt you from love …

May 11, 2018

Y’all ask me ALL THE TIME…Why do I keep quitting my diet? Why can’t I stay on plan? Here’s what …

May 9, 2018

I read the book “Finish” by Jon Acuff and was just blown away. Y’all know I read a lot. Not …

May 7, 2018

Back in 2007 I wrote this blog. Why is it important? You must start getting out of your own way …

May 4, 2018

The Four Circle Method is a game changer if you suffer with the thought “I have so much weight to …

April 30, 2018

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately. My clients often think I must have my shit together 24/7. I don’t. Just …

April 27, 2018

I can’t believe we haven’t talked about weight loss stalls and plateaus yet! They happen. Everybody has them. Let’s be …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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