Tag: 2007-2020 posts

July 23, 2018

Do you know what it takes to lose weight? Belief. I teach my girls they must believe they can lose …

July 20, 2018

We all make excuses. It’s human nature to find the reasons why we can’t lose weight more than the reasons …

July 19, 2018

What’s The Best Diet? I get that question a lot. Since losing 100 pounds people want to know what I …

July 16, 2018

I weighed 210lbs. in the 8th grade. I struggled with bullies in school. For years I started crazy diets only …

July 13, 2018

Our Losing 100 Pounds With Phit-N-Phat podcast has a Facebook group and I asked them what would you love to …

July 9, 2018

Who Loves You? Who do you love most in the world? Think of that person. What do you love about …

July 6, 2018

If you’re a worrier, then listen up because today you are getting a method I use SUCCESSFULLY with clients all …

July 2, 2018

“You aren’t going to lose weight so eat the fries.” “Why do you think this time is any different? Take …

June 29, 2018

When I was losing my 100lbs. I fell in love with running. I remember race after race coming in dead-last …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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