Tag: 2007-2020 posts

June 15, 2019

Do you often catch yourself standing in the pantry KNOWING you shouldn’t eat but the chips are calling your name? …

June 14, 2019

Let me blow your mind. Whatever you weigh today, the size clothes you wear, and that body image in your …

June 10, 2019

People ask me all the time… “Why do I overeat when I so desperately want to lose weight?” It’s pretty …

June 7, 2019

I recently read a book on happiness called The 100 Simple Secrets to Happiness. It’s so good. As I read …

June 7, 2019

Well, it dawned on me I talk a lot about the Four Basics of Weightloss but have never officially taught …

June 3, 2019

My clients often tell me they eat because of their past. They can’t get over what some a-hole in 6th …

May 27, 2019

Some of the smartest words I ever hear come from my Logan. Y’all, he’s truly the best human. Chris and …

May 24, 2019

Telling yourself after you overeat that “it doesn’t matter” is a bunch of BS. Let me ask you this. Does …

May 24, 2019

Lots of people think self-doubt is bad. Self-doubt isn’t a problem. It’s just a feeling we have because we think …

Tried Everything to Lose Weight? I Did Too!

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