Updated: December 22, 2024
Episode 402: 5 ways to make sure you lose weight

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Let me guess - you're planning to "get your shit together" and lose weight on January 1st.
Right now you might be desperate to find the perfect diet to finally make it happen.
But did you know most people quit their New Year's diet by January 19th? It's called "Quitter's Day" - and it's not because you're lazy or lack willpower.
It's because the diet industry makes billions selling you quick fixes that don't work in real life.
In today's episode, I reveal:
- Why traditional diets set you up to fail
- The truth about willpower (and why you don't need more of it)
- 5 simple changes that work better than any diet
Would you blame yourself for not finishing a puzzle that didn't have all the pieces?
Hell no. So why blame yourself when diets only give you part of what you need to succeed?
Listen now to discover 5 ways to make sure you lose weight.
Hi, I'm Corinne. After a lifetime of obesity being bullied for being the fattest kid in the class and losing and gaining weight like it was my job, I finally got my shit together and I lost 100 pounds each week. I'll teach you no bullshit weight loss advice you can use to overcome your battle with weight. I keep it simple. You'll learn how to quit eating and thinking like an asshole. You stop that and weight loss becomes easy. My goal is to help you lose weight the way you want to live your life. If you are ready to figure out weight loss, then let's go. Hello everybody. Welcome back. Today I want to talk about the five big dieting mistakes that I think you need to know about as you're going into 2025, so that you are not making them. And we'll not only talk about the five mistakes, but I'll also tell you what you can do in order to overcome them.
And this is important because a lot of you're going to start losing weight at the beginning of the year. You are going to start some kind of diet and unfortunately, most women are going to pick diets based on desperation to lose weight. They're not going to pick a way to lose weight that they've carefully thought about and thought, you know what? I could do this for the rest of my life. Most people have this idea in mind, I'm going to do this until I lose some weight and then I'm going to eat healthy. It does not work. If it worked, there would not be something called quitter's Day. Quitter's day is January the 19th. This is when most people give up on their New Year's resolutions. We're not even three weeks into the year and people are already throwing in the towel. So most women, honestly, we start a diet full of good intentions.
We are usually motivated. We're using our willpower and we're really thinking, this is the year I want to get my shit together. But the problem is, is we're not picking a diet that is going to work with real life. So by the time January 19th hits, life starts to hit us in the face, that initial excitement, that initial motivation, it all wears off. It's supposed to. This is the problem with one of the reasons why so many women failed diets is we pick things we can easily get excited about, but we forget that excitement's going to go away. And if you're not excited about what you're doing, guess what? You've got to be able to just do it because now it just makes sense because now it aligns with who you want to be. But we are not picking diets based on that. We are picking them out of that desperation.
So quitters day is one of those things that always comes, but one of the misconceptions about it is that we think it's because we're lazy, but here's what I want you to know. Quit or stay doesn't happen and you're not quitting because you're lazy. And I will guarantee you you're not quitting diets because you just don't try hard enough. I think the mistake I see most often with dieters is you're actually trying too hard. You're relying on motivation and willpower alone, and that just doesn't work. So diets that you're picking, they're not failing because you lack willpower, motivation and discipline. They fail because they're leaving out these critical pieces of the weight loss puzzle that I'm going to talk to you about today. So another thing that I have found in my studies when it comes to women and weight loss is that the average woman, she tries to lose weight 140 times by the time she turns 40.
That right there in and of itself is proof that diets must be missing some critical pieces otherwise we would be successful. And when all of these diets keep failing us, and I'm going to keep saying that over and over again. If you don't hear anything out of today's podcast, I want you to hear that the traditional diets like Weight Watchers, ketos, whole thirties, 75, hard, you name it, shakes. There's one called Colon Broom. Like all that bullshit, they are leaving us confused and they're failing us because they're missing key pieces of the puzzle. And when we are missing the key pieces, we can't succeed. But the worst part of all of it isn't that we have to quit or that the diet doesn't work. The worst part is that we turn it around on us. We feel like something's wrong with us because we can't lose weight.
We feel like a failure when the truth is that traditional diets are failing us. Now, I think a lot of them mean well, I don't think all these people are writing books out of piss and vinegar. I don't think that they're all just being greedy. I do think like most people who write a book or they come up with a new weight loss plan, I think they have good intentions, but they're just not giving us what we need to succeed. So when you did all those diets, I want you to always remember it is like being given a hundred piece puzzle to solve, except some of the pieces are missing. So no matter how hard you try, no matter how bad you want it, no matter how much time, energy and effort you put into it, if you're missing pieces of that puzzle, you can't finish it.
So we want to remember, we are not the blame. This is not our lack of willpower. This is not our lack of discipline. This is not our lack of motivation to finish our weight loss puzzle. We just don't have everything we need, and that's what we're going to be talking about. So that 2025 can be the year that you finally put the pieces together in weight loss. So just in case you haven't been around for a minute, I was missing these pieces too. For most of my life, I remember trying to lose weight from the age of nine. Well into my thirties, I wanted to lose weight really bad. And I mean y'all, no one was trying harder than Corinne and I tried everything. I don't care what it was, I would try it if my friend was doing it, I was doing it, but nothing ever seemed to work.
And I didn't understand why is it that I could want to lose weight really bad? And yet it seemed like I was just screwing up over and over and over again and for years I would tell myself, you're never going to lose weight. I blame my genetics. I blame my family for my weight. I thought if they would support me more or stop bringing crap in the house, that it would be a lot easier for me. Well, I can't tell you how many times I went to the store and I bought my favorite foods thinking, well, this time will be different. Well, let me just tell you. I want you to imagine Morgan Freeman just walked into the room. You know what he said? This time wasn't any different. Corinne at that moment ate the cookies as if this was the last time she was ever going to get them.
I also thought bullshit like this. I'm lazy and I just need to try harder when the truth is there was no one who wanted to lose weight more than me walking on God's green earth. In fact, I tried fucking hard to lose weight every single time I would walk by cookies and feel like I was fighting with Mike Tyson just to say no. And I was not a lazy person either, y'all, I often worked two jobs in my twenties. Once I became a mom, I was raising a kid who had autism. There was no lazy in this body. My problem was not laziness. You know what? I was fucking exhausted from all the shit going on in my life and that's why I was eating. And I also thought things like this, something must be wrong with me. I thought I was the broken one, but it didn't occur to me that maybe I was just trying to lose weight in some kind of broken ass system.
So I really do get why so many of you're frustrated, why you end up so confused after years and years of dieting and getting contradicting rules. And I understand why you're afraid as fuck because if you keep failing and you keep blaming yourself, of course you would be afraid to start another diet. But this is the problem. We have to quit blaming ourselves for trying to lose weight in a broken fucking system. So one of the things that I tell you is that we've got to understand first and foremost the five dieting mistakes that you're making right now, and then we can go to what you need to do. I think it's just always important to understand mistakes you're making so that we can also understand why the answers are the answers. So the five mistakes that you're probably making are thinking things like, number one, you need more willpower.
Number two, that you need more discipline. Number three, that you need more time. Number four, that everybody needs to be on board. Or number five that you've got to do it right? Those are the five big mistakes. So let's go through them one at a time. The first one is that you'll never ever be able to willpower your way through weight loss. You do not need more willpower to lose weight. You can only will yourself to choke down salads and give up your favorite foods for so long. This is the thing, unless what you're doing to lose weight feels good in some way, you will eventually run out of willpower and you will go face down in pizza when you're tempted, tired or you've had a bad day. So willpower is not what you need. The second big mistake is too many of us are trying to rely on discipline.
We tell ourselves we need more discipline, we need more discipline. But the problem is, is that most of us are using discipline as a punishment. So you don't need more punishment in order to lose weight. So let's just dive into this a little deeper. Too many women confuse being disciplined, being disciplined with disciplining yourself. We think things like you shouldn't eat that when you're having a cookie. You can't have that. That's bad for you. If you are using discipline like a whipping stick, you will feel bad while you're dieting. And when you feel bad while you're dieting, guess what? You start getting exhausted. You start getting tired. You cannot be motivated and tired at the same time. You cannot be excited and tired at the same time. So we have to learn the difference between being disciplined and being a disciplined person. Disciplined people, they don't discipline themselves harshly.
They use internal language that helps them see what they are doing and why it's important. Disciplined people give themselves choices. They don't give themselves ultimatums in the moment. And then discipline people remind themselves that saying no right now might be hard, but it will be worth it. They don't talk down to themselves as the big thing. And that is what I want most of you to hear is that when you're talking about discipline, let's make sure that we are talking about becoming someone who knows how to lovingly say no to themselves. Who knows how to offer themselves choices in the moment that's being disciplined, but too many of us are walking around disciplining ourselves and we wonder why we end up getting burned out and quitting our diet. Alright, the next big mistake that most people are making is sitting around thinking that you need more time to lose weight.
That weight loss just takes a lot of time. Losing weight is going to take a lot of time that I ain't got, and I get that we some busy women these days, we juggling it all. You might be a mom and you got a job and you got the kids and they're in the sports and there's a thousand things going on. Or maybe you're a grandmother and you help out with your grandkids or you're taking care of an aging spouse or you're taking care of elderly parents and your kids who are in college are still needing you These days, women are just busy. So the biggest mistake, one of the biggest mistakes I see women make is thinking that they need a lot of time to lose weight. Y'all losing weight should not take a lot of time. In fact, losing weight should really only take about three to five minutes every single day.
That is it. Losing weight is not about workouts. It's not about how much time you spend in the kitchen. In fact, if you've been trying to do that, I know it didn't work for you or you wouldn't even be listening to this damn podcast. Here's the secret. Weight loss happens in the tiny, tiny moments. We lose weight and we gain weight in the seconds of the day. So for example, if someone offers you a bite of their fries, are you going to take it or are you going to pass on it? That's where weight loss happens. When you have a long day and you miss lunch, are you going to eat extra at dinner because you deserve it or are you going to slow your role and remind yourself you know what would be better? Rather than overeating now because I deserve it, I should come up with a backup plan for the days when I'm going to be so hungry or be so busy that I need to miss meals.
Here's another one. When you don't want to do a dreaded task, like at work or at home, are you going to eat a snack to get energy to push through or are you going to take a quick break to recharge yourself and decide, is this something I really even need to be doing? These are the things that are slowing down. Weight loss. You do not need more time to lose weight, but you have got to figure out where are you needing to get better at making quick decisions that are killing any type of weight loss you want? That's the key. So the next big mistake is you can't rely on support for family or friends. All of us keep saying that we want all of the assholes in our life to finally get on board. Quit bringing in the food, you quit sabotaging me. The biggest mistake I see women make is thinking that other people are making it harder on them and not realizing how am I making it harder on myself?
So I'll just say a lot of people that I work with inside my program, they have great support around them and where's that? Getting them nowhere fast. Even if you have a supportive partner and they care, guess what happens? Usually you are the one sitting there on the inside doubting yourself in the quiet moments, you're worrying on the inside that you can't do this. Even if the people around you are saying, I believe you can. What can I do to help you? Here's the tragic mistake. If you need your friends and your family to help you, if you need them to say the right words, if you need them to stop eating what they love in a way for you to get your shit together, you are becoming someone who can't lose weight. The only way that you're ever going to be able to lose your weight is when you become your own best support system.
When you know how to set up your environment to trigger you positively. When you know how to comfort yourself when you're sad, lonely, or having a tough body image day, you are the one who is with you 24 7, which means if you learn how to be your support system around the clock, you don't need everybody else changing their life and showing up for you. And plus, it's a losing game. When we need other people to be on their best behavior 24 7, that means they're never allowed to have a bad day in our presence. They can't have a day when they just want to take care of themselves. They don't get to just eat what they want. And I have always told myself, Corin, you are the one that wants to lose weight. It's not Chris and Logan's job to do that for you. If you want to do that, then learn how to be around those foods.
Learn how to include them without eating your face off. Learn how to be someone who can eat any foods and be at the weight that they want to be at. Don't try to make other people bend the knee to you, and that is what we end up doing when we keep needing other people to support us before we learn how to support ourselves. I always say to my clients, you first, if you want somebody being nice to you, make damn sure you're being nice to yourself first. When you have a you first rule, when you have a you first rule, your life changes. All right? The next big mistake is you have to stop trying to do it right. We convince ourselves that we've got to do everything right in order to lose weight. And diets are really bad about setting us up into that culture.
When they give you food lists that say, these are good foods, these are no foods. When you have specific calorie ranges, that in itself sends you a signal that you've got to do it right or you're doing it wrong. And let me just be the bearer of honest news. There's zero chance in hell that you are going to do all the things right, no matter how fucking hard you try, but you do not need to. Who loses weight better? The person who's trying to do everything perfectly or the person who gets better and better at what they are doing? So perfectionists have two fatal dieting flaws. First, they tend to try, tend to not try things at all for the fear that they're going to mess it up. Now, this slows weight loss down dramatically because if you aren't trying scary things, then guess what?
You're just going to keep doing what you're doing and that shit is not working. And then second perfectionists, they do good for a bit, but the second they mess up, what happens? They go straight into fuck it mode. They tend to quit. If only you would not quit. Think about it. Every time you do any kind of weight loss program, if you just never quit and you kept going and you kept learning and you kept trying to figure it out, you would be so much further ahead than the person who does things perfectly until the moment they screw up. There's this Instagram reel that's been circulating that I just love, and it shows a chick who's drinking a cup of coffee and she's got a white t-shirt on and she dribble a little bit on her shirt. Perfectionists. Guess what you do? You decide if you dribble a little on your shirt, you take the whole cup of coffee and you pour it all over your chest.
It's like, well, I screwed that up. I want you to think about this. When you are a perfectionist and you make mistakes, you often make things a thousand times worse than simply just saying, you know what? I didn't do it right. I wonder how I could do it different next time. This is not the end of the world. I don't need to make this the end of the world. So I want you to think you are going to lose weight faster when you stop trying to be perfect and you start learning how to be a course corrector instead of a perfectionist. So now what I want to do is those are the five things that are the big mistakes that we're making. Trying to be a perfectionist, thinking that you need lots of your friends and family to get on fucking board with you thinking that you need a lot of time.
I just need a lot of time in order to lose weight, and when I get lots of time, when my schedule frees up, now will be the time. No, using discipline as a punishment tool, instead of learning how to become a disciplined person who does not talk down to themselves and then the other willpower, you do not need more willpower at all. You need to have moments where you can talk yourself into doing things. But if you're constantly having to talk yourself into doing things, if you're constantly berating yourself, it's never going to work. So the first thing you need in order to lose weight is you need the power of good reasons. You've probably heard about finding your why for losing weight, right? Well, here's the problem. Most people only focus on their big picture wise like why I want to be healthy or why I want to look good.
So we just think about those big picture things. Those are fine, but they're not enough to get you through shit when it gets hard. If you don't have little wise that are surrounding all the little behavior changes you're making, guess what? Now you're forcing yourself to use willpower. So in order to not use willpower, you have got to have good reasons why you're doing the things you do in the moment so that you can use those reasons in the moment to encourage you to do something that you're not really wanting to do in the moment versus will powering, forcing and talking like an asshole to yourself to get you to do it. Now, the second thing that you need is you've got to stop perfectionism in its tracks. I'll say it again. You have to learn how to stop perfectionism in its tracks because perfectionism is a sneaky little bitch that slows down and slows you down and makes everything that you're trying to do a lot harder.
So as we already talked, every one of us is going to make mistakes as we're losing weight. I have never helped someone lose all of their weight and them say, you know what? The moment you told me what to do, I did it perfectly and I never had to look back. Every single one of them made mistakes. The difference is I taught them how do you talk to yourself in those moments when you make the mistake when you've got, I'm going to either go fuck it and catastrophize this, or I'm going to figure this out and I'm going to keep going. You cannot keep expecting yourself to be a hundred percent or you will be setting yourself up for failure. You need to start figuring out, I know I'm going to make mistakes, so I've got to have a plan for how I'm going to encourage and keep myself going during those moments that you've got to do.
Because weight loss isn't about getting everything right. It is about getting things done in a way in your real life that you can learn how to come up with your unique ways so that you will lose your weight. So the thing that I like for people to do is rather than focusing on perfectionism, I want you to learn how to focus on being consistent. Consistency is sloppy. Consistency is lots of mistakes. Consistency is so perfect, is all about do I do it right or wrong? Consistency is about how much effort do I have in me for this thing today? So consistency is all about efforting, and as you know, you are going to have different levels of effort every single day depending on what's going on in your life, what your commitments are, what time of the month it is for a lot of us, are you in your menopause years?
There are so many factors that contribute to your ability to effort each day, and there are different seasons in life. For some of us we have, let's say that you are an accountant and a tax accountant. Well, guess what? You're going to have a very different effort level in January, February, and March than you're going to have in say July. So we want to make sure that we really understand that there is a difference between being consistent and being perfect. The third thing you need is you need to do what's called an environmental cleanup. Diets love to tell you to get rid of the junk food in your house, but guess what? That's one of the reasons why you are continuing to lose control over food. When you are trying to lose weight. You do need a support system, but it's not the support system you think you need.
You don't need other people, you don't need to get rid of foods, you don't need to do all that. What we want to do is we want to set up two types of things in our world. We want to figure out where are all of our triggers and what can we do to minimize those triggers or to give ourselves a plan for triggers. The second part is we also want to do an environmental cleanup where we can insert what's called glimmers. So when you're losing weight, there are two types of triggers that you can have. There is just the triggers of if you were to, in my house, if we have cookies, I always do two things. Number one, I bag them in individual bags so that cookies aren't just staring at me. There's not like 45 in a bag staring at me that's going to trigger me to want to just open the bag sit, and I may even have good intentions.
I may even be hungry, but if I have a full bag of cookies, I am going to be triggered to want to just open the bag, sit down on the couch and eat cookies hoping I'm going to stop when I've had enough, which never happens. But I can also set up a trigger with cookies to where I portion them and then I'll put them out of sight, out of mind so that I'm not triggered to eat them mindlessly. I am now triggered to have to make purposeful decisions around them. I'm now triggered to have to go look for them. I'm triggered to see when they're portioned, like, oh, this is a portion. So we want to do an environmental cleanup for ourselves to support ourselves. We also want to have glimmers. We want to set up little triggers in our house that give us hits of joy in little ways.
So you need both of those things. So when we talk about how are we supporting ourselves, we have to stop looking outside of ourself and trying to get everybody on board, and we have to start thinking like, how am I supporting myself? Am I setting up my environment to where it triggers good thoughts, good emotions, where it triggers good behaviors? And am I setting up glimmers that also trigger me to have good thoughts, good emotions, and good behaviors? Now the next thing that you need is you need a plan for good days and bad, and this is where I see a lot of women screw up when it comes to losing weight. You don't have a plan for your good and bad days because most diets out there, they only work if you're having perfect days all the time. And you know the ones where you've got all the time in the world to meal prep, work out and stick to the plan.
Those are the diets we tend to lean towards and we think, oh my gosh, it's going to make my life so much better. Until you realize that does not make life better On a Wednesday when my kids are in four different sports and I've got to be all over town, I ain't got time to pack meals and I ain't got time to do this. I have to have something that's going to work with that kind of life. So we have to have plans that have flexibility, and that's where I think a lot of diets go wrong is they're really written for ideal situations. They're not written for real life situations, and that's what I like to teach my clients. I like to teach my clients varying levels of effort, varying levels of plans. It's like, all right, if you're having a great day and you don't have a lot to do, here's all the things that we're going to do on that day, and let's say it's your period.
Here's how we're going to be on that day, and let's say someone last minute invites you out to dinner and it's been a long day and here's the plan for days like that, having flexibility erases all of all or nothing, I want you to start thinking it's all or something instead of either it's all or nothing. So all or nothing versus the all or something mindset. And then the last thing that you can do for yourself is we got to get good at focusing on the moments, not the time wasters. The last thing you need is another diet that focuses on you having to spend hours in the gym, you having to spend hours in the kitchen, you having to do elaborate food preps, elaborate cooking sessions and stuff. I'm just going to tell you right now, if you love all that stuff, that's great.
You don't need this call, you don't need this podcast, but for most of us, it takes attention away from what's really happening. Diets love to make you think that you have to spend hours and hours doing things that is not true. Weight loss happens in the seconds of your day. It's those tiny seconds we talked about earlier where you decide to stop eating when you're satisfied versus I'm going to just keep on eating because it tastes so good and I had a bad day. All of our weight loss is going to come down to little tiny moments. I always tell my clients, you're going to die by a thousand cuts if you don't start seeing all of the little bitty ways that you're sabotaging yourself. The little bitty ways that are adding up people, I don't know why they hate the idea that they're going to make small changes, even though small changes are so much easier to do, they don't freak your brain out, they don't send you into some type of overwhelm and exhaustion immediately, and yet, what do we think we need to do when we lose weight?
We feel like we got to overhaul everything on a dime. Well, you don't need to do that, but you've got to get better at all the little moments because even if you flipped everything on a dime, guess what? Those little moments, they're coming back into vengeance. I can't tell you how many people I have worked with who are working out an hour a day, six days a week, they do a big ass food prep every Sunday. They look like they have it together, and then all week long it's like, well, I'm just not going to eat this one planned meal I had. I'm just going to go to McDonald's because I'm short on time. That'll just be easier. Well, I'll just have a bite of this. Let me just grab a handful of nuts. Let me just do this. Lemme just do that. That's where weight loss is happening.
I don't care if you never went to the gym and if you gave up your food prep, if we just got good at not dying by a thousand cuts, so many women would lose probably up to 30% of their weight making that one change, getting better at figuring out where are the tiny moments I'm overlooking? Okay. Those are the five things, the mistakes that I think that people are making and that's keeping 'em from losing weight and the five things you've got to change. If you really, really do want to lose your weight, and I mean if you truly want to lose your weight, you have got to, number one. You've got to find good powerful reasons, not just for losing weight, but all of those moments where you're making small decisions in the moment. You have to have a why, for why you want to say no to the cookies after a bad day that feels good to you, otherwise you will keep eating them.
You've got to stop perfectionism in its tracks. You have got to be all or something instead of all or nothing. We've got to do an environmental cleanup. We have to trigger ourselves in positive ways, and we have to also find all of the triggers that are causing us to make overeating just way too easy on ourselves where we don't have any type of thinking roadblocks, and we got to have a plan for good days and bad. You cannot keep expecting everything to go the same every single day. Consistent people know that they are not going to be able to have the same amount of effort every single day, so they include flexibility. Then last, you've got to focus on the moments, not the time wasters. We have to be paying more attention to the little moments because those little moments are exactly where you are going to either die by a thousand cuts or you are going to change so many of the little moments that they're adding up to big time, long lasting weight loss. Okay, I hope that was helpful for you for today. Keep listening to the podcast. Keep on trying y'all, and I will see you next week. Thank you so much for listening today. Make sure you head on over to no bs freecourse.com and sign up for my free weight loss training on what you need to know to start losing your weight right now. You'll also find lots of notes and resources from our past podcasts help you lose your weight without all the bullshit diet advice. I'll see you next week.