Updated: December 12, 2023
Episode 334: Losing Weight with a Medical Condition
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Are you convinced that weightloss just isn’t in the cards because…
- You’re struggling with menopause, diabetes, PCOS, Hashimotos or another diagnosis?
- Your doctor said you won’t be able to lose weight because of your medical condition?
- Sticking to your doctor’s ‘recommended diet’ means you’ll have to change your entire life to avoid certain ingredients or entire food groups?
- You’ve tried dieting by restricting calories and exercising more and it Just. Won’t. Work?
When you think your diagnosis keeps you from losing weight, you feel helpless, mad, put-upon, and you dramatically increase fuck it eating.
If you’re nodding along, today’s podcast is for you.
I shared the steps that’ve helped hundreds of No BS Women lose weight even when they’ve been told a medical condition would make it hard for them.
Don’t wait – listen to Episode 334: Losing Weight with a Medical Condition now.
Speaker A [00:00:46]:
So for everybody who’s tuning in, I am Corinne Crabtree. I am the host of the Losing 100 Pounds podcast. I am also the founder and CEO of the Nobs Weight Loss program. And today we are going to talk all about medical diagnoses and weight loss. How do they fit together? And why do so many of us struggle with feeling like we’re deprived? It’s unfair and all the things.
Speaker A [00:01:31]:
So that’s what I want to teach y’all today. So give me a heads up inside of Facebook. If you can hear and you can see me, that would be great. And let me pull up my notes so we can get started. I have lots and lots of awesome things to talk to you about today. Let me find my notes. If you all are anything like me, you have 1000 tabs open at any given time. That’s what Corinne’s doing right now.
Speaker A [00:02:02]:
Corinne has a 1001 tabs open, and she’s trying to find her notes. All right, let’s do this. I haven’t gotten a confirmation from my team yet that y’all can hear me, but I’m just going to assume everything is working okay. So we will see. Yep, I got a thumbs up. Perfect. All right. That must mean somebody from my team is just some just the wing girl.
Speaker A [00:02:32]:
Lori and Joyce, y’all made it over here. I am broadcasting live to Facebook. Live, by the way. Okay, so let’s just start talking. I keep closing out my notes. I’m so sorry. All right, here we go. First thing, here’s the problem.
Speaker A [00:02:48]:
When you think that your diagnosis keeps you from losing weight, here’s what ends up happening in your head. You start feeling helpless. You start getting mad that you have a diagnosis. You feel very put upon, why is this happening to me? And you dramatically raise the level of fuck it eating when that happens. So what is fuck it eating? Fuck it eating is simply what we call blow it eating in. No BS. It is where you end up eating your face off or you end up eating shit you swore you wouldn’t eat, or you end up eating things. Because when you have a bastardized relationship with your food, like with your medical diagnosis, when you feel sorry for yourself, when you’re blaming things, when you are angry, when you’re resentful that you have it, your brain now says you might as well eat.
Speaker A [00:03:49]:
It won’t matter. Well, the doctors said there will be all of these things that come up. So one of the things that we have to do first when you get a medical diagnosis is I just want to tell you this could be diabetes, prediabetes menopause, PCOS, obesity, maybe. You go in and your doctor has, like, found cholesterol, blood pressure, anything like that. It could be cancer. It could be a whole host of things. And you know that you’ve got to go on a specific eating plan in order to reverse it, in order to fix it, or in order for you to just feel better, have energy and function. Okay? So the first thing that we really have to do is we have to remind ourselves that it’s okay to not feel great about this.
Speaker A [00:04:47]:
It is often a lot of things. What we do is we just immediately go to feeling sorry for ourselves and we immediately go to being angry or we remediately go to feeling resentful that this happened. And I want you to just tell yourself that’s normal. Who is supposed to be excited or motivated? I have people tell me all the time in my private membership, they’ll say, I don’t know why I got this diagnosis and it’s not motivating me to do better. That is the most ridiculous expectation ever. You’re supposed to be told that something’s basically wrong with you and you’re supposed to now feel motivated to do something. No, you’re supposed to probably have a little bit of a pity party. And what I want you to do is I want you to have compassion for the part of you that’s upset about this.
Speaker A [00:05:46]:
So many of us spin our wheels out, like judging ourselves for not doing better, rather than saying like, yeah, I don’t like this. Yeah, this doesn’t feel good. And I want you to just think about the difference between the two people. The first person gets their medical diagnosis and they’re like, this sucks. I don’t like this. I wish I’d done better. And then you have a part of you that comes in and says, I get it, it does suck. We’re going to do different things.
Speaker A [00:06:25]:
We’re going to do our best to try to heal ourselves. But I think trying to like it and be motivated by it would just be hard. Then you have version two. You get your medical diagnosis, your anger and resentful, and there’s a part of you that’s like yelling at you going like, you should be motivated. Why aren’t you doing better? This should have been your wake up call. And you have this angry, bitch ass shrill yelling at you. And then you wonder why it’s really hard to just take a few steps forward. So I think that always has to be the first step when we get a medical diagnosis is drop your unrealistic expectations that you should feel better or that you should be motivated.
Speaker A [00:07:14]:
Every now and then someone will feel motivated. I call that the person like lightning striking. You know how the odds of lightning striking you is so low? Well, the ODS of you getting a medical diagnosis and you being motivated to go out and change everything is probably low. So let’s not have that really depressing, unrealistic expectation put upon ourselves, then the next thing that has to happen is like, all right, we’re not going to expect ourselves to feel any different. I think the next thing that we have to do is we have to start challenging some of our natural thoughts that we have. A lot of times when we’re in diabetes, when we’re in prediabetes, when we’re in menopause, like, all the things we go to, it’s so unfair. It’s so unfair that I have this. And this is one of those things where I like to say, that’s not a helpful thought.
Speaker A [00:08:21]:
It may feel unfair, but here we are. That’s very different than just sitting in it’s unfair. It’s unfair because when you feel that it’s unfair, all you’re going to do is feel very hopeless. And when you feel hopeless, whenever the foods that your diagnosis says, we should probably stay away from these for a little while, maybe even permanently, we don’t know yet. When you feel hopeless around them, you are not going to be able to say no to them. Why would you? Your brain’s going to be like, why bother? Why bother? It’s so unfair. And what we do is, when we have a medical diagnosis, is that we will just eat things a little bit at a time, a little bit at a time, and then we’re never making any improvements. We’re not being there for ourselves, and we’re not caring for ourselves.
Speaker A [00:09:17]:
So we want to watch out for the it’s so unfair because let me tell you what’s actually unfair when you get a medical diagnosis is eating your face off because you feel sorry for yourself. That’s unfair to you. It’s unfair to you to sit there and not try to figure out how you can be there for yourself emotionally and with food. So what I would do is I would tell myself, this is the reality for now. When you want to say it’s unfair, say like, no, here’s what I really, really want to think about. I want to think right now, this is just reality. I don’t need to think about the long distance future because your brain is probably going to want to go off and catastrophize. It’s going to want to think, I have to eat this way for the rest of my life.
Speaker A [00:10:10]:
It’s going to think, you have to change everything today. It’s going to think a thousand things. And all we want to do is calm ourselves down and we want to just say, the reality is right now I have a diagnosis and I need to figure out what’s in my control today. The things that are in my control are this I don’t have to do anything because here’s the actual truth. A lot of people say, like, well, I have to change how I eat. No, you don’t. Plenty of people will eat themselves into a grave. Plenty of people will just keep on doing shit.
Speaker A [00:10:49]:
You don’t have to change anything you might choose to. And so you want to remind yourself, what’s in my control is I’m going to have choices. You also have this in your control, the pace at which you make changes. So for a lot of you, you keep saying, I got to change everything today. But then you feel so hopeless, you get caught up in the it’s so unfair, and you’re eating your face off all day long. I’m like, Then why don’t we do this? Why don’t we make first level mini changes that make your brain scream, it won’t be good enough. What if we just start with those changes first? Instead of sitting there and thinking, we have to make all the changes? Let’s just say this, I’m not prepared to make all the changes today. Here’s what I am prepared to do.
Speaker A [00:11:40]:
I am prepared to make small changes until I have more courage, until I have more resolve, until I have a little momentum, and until I notice it might not be as bad as I think, then I’ll make more changes. Because if you at least start there, you will start getting on the road to making changes. I was coaching someone yesterday inside my private membership. She basically has her liver enzymes are out of whack. She’s got a few things because she’s been a binge eater in the past. And she was saying, I need to make a lot of changes. My doctors, like they said, try intermittent fasting. Try cutting out all your sugar in your flour.
Speaker A [00:12:29]:
Try bill, all that. Like doctors, God love them, they are well meaning. What they don’t understand is where our emotional state is. Their job is to worry about our current health state. But most doctors don’t really understand how to meet you, where you’re currently at, where your nervous system is. They’re going to give you something and they’re thinking you’re going to go home and you’re going to figure out how to start it. Just because they say they want you to cut out your sugars and stuff. Usually, unless they say it needs to stop today or you’re going to die.
Speaker A [00:13:05]:
Most of the time. Here’s what they’re really saying. Here’s the thing I think you should do, based on what I know. And most doctors don’t get a lot of nutritional training. I have a lot of doctors in my program. I actually am training doctors right now on my methodology and stuff. And this is what they always say. Most of the time when we are in the office, because we don’t get a lot of nutritional training, all we’re doing is we’re telling them something that we’ve heard that might work.
Speaker A [00:13:38]:
We don’t have the time to tell them now. Here’s how I’d like you to take baby steps. What is your nervous system like? Can we calm you down? That’s not their job. Their job is not to coach you like, it’s my job or like, it’s your job to calm you down, to figure out where you can start, how you can layer this in. So I want you to remember when I was talking to my client, I said, I know that your doctor said to do all this stuff. And whenever she’s eating anything that’s against that, she feels horrible. And I said, what if we just do this? What if we make small changes? But they said, I need to do this. And if I don’t, I’ll never in her mind because I asked her, what did they actually say? Versus, what are you telling yourself? They actually said, Maybe you try some of these and see what happens.
Speaker A [00:14:39]:
And in her mind, she heard, I have to start today, and I’ll never be able to eat a different way for the rest of my life. And I said, that was never said to you. But interesting that that’s your opinion. And your opinion is making you panic. Your opinion is making you feel hopeless. Your opinion is scaring the shit out of you. And when you’re scared and you’re hopeless, you’re eating the foods way more because you’re afraid you’re going to lose them forever. So what if we back the truck up and decide there’s no real emergency? I’m not going to die tomorrow.
Speaker A [00:15:25]:
Now, I’m not talking about people who legit have an emergency. This is for the 98% of us who get a medical diagnosis that if we start making change and evolve into the person, our medical diagnosis could either go away, it could change, it could evolve, it could get better. It’s like, what if we just start with what you’re willing to stop right now? Because it’s doable. It could have a small impact. It could get you on the right track. And she was like, I didn’t even know that I could do that. That feels so much better. And then she said, but what do I do when my brain screams, that’s not good enough? And I said, you tell yourself you’re on the right track, because I’m going to tell all of you a super secret.
Speaker A [00:16:22]:
The best way to lose weight, the absolute best way to lose weight, the absolute best way to make changes to your diet, is start with changes where your brain screams, that’s not good enough. And you tell yourself, I must now be on the right track, because I’ve been trying my entire life to do things the hard way, and that’s not been working. Every time I’ve tried the hard way, I’ve been successful for a little bit, and it blows up in my face, and I revert right back. So the hard way has not worked for me. And a lot of you need to tell yourself the narrative. The hard way doesn’t work. The not good enough way is how we scale to getting to where we want to be. And that has to become a new mantra that you tell yourself every damn day so everybody repeat after me the moment it feels not good enough, I am on the right track.
Speaker A [00:17:25]:
I no longer lie to myself. That not good enough doesn’t count. And when I try to tell myself that I’m going to be the adult that walks in the room and says, not true. I know you think that, but let’s just see. Because here’s the thing. Proof is in the pudding. You don’t know. Because if you’ve always been not doing the not good enough stuff, how the fuck do you know? Where’s your crystal ball you need? This is what I tell my clients inside nobs all the time.
Speaker A [00:18:01]:
Rather than telling me something won’t work before you try it, go fucking try it. And then you come back to me with what happened because then we can talk. But until then, I don’t want to hear it and you shouldn’t want to hear it from you. Could you all imagine if you let your kids do that? Well, I’m not going to sign up for this thing because it won’t work. Well, okay, I guess it won’t work. You must be telling the truth. I’m not going to do my homework tonight because I’m never going to understand math. Well, okay.
Speaker A [00:18:32]:
I guess you can just give up math. Quit school at the age of eight. You would never tolerate that stuff, so stop tolerating it from you. And the good news is you can’t control other people, but you can for fuck sure control you. All right, so here’s the other thing that you might need to do. So we’re going to look out for things like, it’s so unfair. Here’s another one that you all do to yourself. I should have done better.
Speaker A [00:19:04]:
I set myself up for this. And we spend time mad at our past self. That solves nothing. Here’s where we’re at today. My past self did these things and my present self is going to fix it for all of us. Stop being mad at your past self. For a lot of you, the reason why this is happening is simply because you’re an emotional eater and you’ve never been taught how to deal with your emotions without food. And so you spent years and years and years trying to solve self worth, fitting in people pleasing and stuff with Ding Dongs cupcakes and Oreos, maybe some chips.
Speaker A [00:19:55]:
And you are solving problems with something that it can’t ever solve. Well, then you get a medical diagnosis. And now guess what we have to do? We actually have to learn how to take care of our emotional needs because we’re not going to have this food to do it now. So it’s just an invitation for present day you to start saying like, I am not mad at you for spending your entire life without an emotional coping skill. If the best you could do was eat, great. But now we actually have to solve what’s really going on in our lives. Now we have to learn how to set boundaries. Now.
Speaker A [00:20:36]:
We have to learn how to say no to people without feeling guilty. Now I have to learn how to have self care without feeling like somebody else is suffering because I’ve been spending my entire life eating instead. And when I learn how to do that, guess what? I’m going to be able to move on with my life. I’m going to be able to let go of some of these foods and reverse some of my medical diagnosis, or at the very least, stop them deaden their tracks or maybe feel a lot better. All right. The other thing that I want you all to consider when it comes to your medical diagnosis is a lot of times we have a lot of fear about taking some of the foods away, not having the things anymore. So I want you to ask yourself a couple of questions. Number one, what foods am I afraid of losing? And why have I been using them to serve a need? For me, that food just wasn’t intended.
Speaker A [00:21:42]:
If that’s the case, now you know exactly what you’re going to need in order to be able to change your diet. You’re not going to need willpower, and you’re not going to need to suffer, and you’re not going to need to just get over it. You’re actually going to have to learn how to do things that you probably were never taught how to do growing up. That’s what we specialize in in no BS. No BS. Weight loss. We spend so much of our time actually learning those things so that you’re not spending your entire life just willpowering and suffering and struggling through trying to lose weight. The other thing is you really want to ask yourself, do I even know that I’m going to hate this lifestyle as much as I think? A lot of times we convince ourselves that whatever we need to do in order to take care of our health needs, we’re just going to hate it.
Speaker A [00:22:40]:
It’s just going to be awful. I want you to think about this. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I think. Maybe I will learn to like it. Maybe it’s going to be temporary, and I’ll be able to reintroduce some of the things I love, but I’m going to learn how to reintroduce them in ways that it works for me this time. And those are some of the things that I want you to consider. So if you don’t walk away from anything today. Number one, we have to stop being hard on ourselves, that we’re not motivated because of a medical diagnosis.
Speaker A [00:23:25]:
There’s layers to this. There’s probably reasons why these foods have such an attachment to us, why we want them so much. And the other thing is, like, cut yourself some slack. How can I start with small steps? Because if you’re the person who keeps trying to just do it all on a dime, and it fizzles out after a week, a few days or two weeks maybe. We need to take a gradual approach so that you’re not just all or nothing all the time. All right, I’m going to open it up to questions. I’ve got a few coming in. If you have questions you can post them in the chat.
Speaker A [00:24:06]:
My team is going to be filtering up questions. What do you do if you just feel numb after same thing? You just do the exact same thing. I’m numb. Give it a few days. Usually if you’re numb it’s because it’s come out of left field and your brain doesn’t know what to think yet. Then after a few days you’ll probably it’s kind of like when someone loses somebody. Sometimes when someone initially dies, guess what? They feel numb. They don’t feel the grief yet.
Speaker A [00:24:42]:
They don’t feel the anger that they’re gone. They don’t feel the sadness. They don’t feel that stuff yet because it’s like a shock to the nervous system and a lot of people go through that. And so the same thing happens with a medical diagnosis. Give it a few days, give it a few weeks, start making some of the changes. And I guarantee you that when you start making some of the changes you need to make whatever emotions that are going to come up, they start coming up then. And then you look to those. What if you are motivated and do it right and it doesn’t work? So that’s a good question.
Speaker A [00:25:20]:
Then you have to try something else. If it doesn’t work, then why not just try something else? Maybe what you tried was just this route didn’t work. What else am I going to try? What’s the next thing I’m going to try? What’s the next thing I’m going to try? It’s kind of like when I talk to my clients about weight loss. I give them four basics to do and one of them is stopping at enough. And we have inside of our membership loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of ways to try stopping at enough. One’s called halftime method. If the halftime doesn’t work, we go to two bytes left behind, two bytes doesn’t work, we go to smaller plate. We cycle through lots and lots of different things until we figure out something that clicks because what will click for some won’t click for others.
Speaker A [00:26:17]:
Same thing. Sometimes you’ll try something for a medical diagnosis and that won’t work. And so now, rather than being like fuck it and going back to what you were doing, we have to stay on the pursuit of trying new methods, doing more research, seeing what else out there might work. I’ve been listening to you for a while and I love your approach. I have five autoimmune issues, one of which almost killed me. I think I’m still suffering from the emotional effects of this. And it is the first time I’ve said this. How do I concentrate on a better me? First of all, we don’t concentrate on a better you yet.
Speaker A [00:26:54]:
That’s probably the problem. Think the problem right now is you need to figure out what are the emotional effects this is having on me. This is what I teach inside of NoBias. This is the reason why so many people struggle so much in life when it comes to weight loss, when it just comes to feeling better in life, is we want to get to the happy part before we actually heal the part that’s broken, or we heal the part that needs listening to, or the part that’s suffering. If there’s a part of you that’s mourning because of your medical diagnosis, if there’s a part of you that’s still angry or whatever, it’s really hard to just say, so just feel better. Let’s just do these things to feel better. When there’s a part of you on the inside that’s always signaling something’s wrong, like, I need you to help me. So we do some stuff inside of my membership.
Speaker A [00:27:49]:
We do some inner child work. We teach methods on the inside of my membership on how do you actually find the parts where you have ruptures and wounds that need you to talk to them, that need you to journal about them so that they can feel seen and they can feel heard and understood, and then they’re ready to feel better. But when somebody’s aching, when someone’s miserable, and you’re just trying to tell them to feel it’s just like when you have a child and they’re really scared because they think something’s under the bed, and all you do is say, that’s ridiculous, there’s nothing under the bed. Just go to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning, and you turn out the light and leave. Well, then you got a kid sitting there all night long like this. Because we didn’t actually address the fear. We didn’t look under the bed.
Speaker A [00:28:48]:
We didn’t tell them. It’s normal to imagine things that sometimes we think things are like that, but we’re going to take a look, and we’re going to see that everything’s okay. A lot of times when there’s stuff like that happening, we want to feel better without really addressing what the need was. Jeanette only give me questions. Don’t give me statements. How do I start over after gaining weight back? Well, that’s a big question. So when you gain weight back, we have a program inside of Nobs called the Regain Solution. And hang on just 1 second.
Speaker A [00:29:25]:
Y’all, I’m on a live call with thousands of people. Okay, sorry. There’s somebody talking right outside my door, and I had to quiet them down. All right, so we have a program called the Regain Solution. And in the Regain Solution, the very first thing we have to do in order to move on, in order to start over, is we have to stop beating ourselves up for the Regain so that’s always step one. Because if you try to start over and you keep telling yourself, well, all you did last time was quit and regain some weight while you did, I hope you don’t regain weight again. If you have a narrative in your head that’s just going wild over and over and over again, it’s going to be really hard. That in the moments when you’re tempted to eat something or when you’re going to wait for hunger, or you’re going to stop eating something when you’ve had enough and it tastes good, if you’re sitting there still in shame about your regain, your brain’s going to offer up.
Speaker A [00:30:40]:
It’s not going to matter. I mean, you regained your weight the last time, and it’s going to feel so true. So always the first step is we have to first and foremost, you have to forgive yourself. You have to say it’s okay. And then the second step is finding the reason why the regain happened to begin with. And it’s not because you’re lazy, and it’s not because something’s wrong with you. We have to remove the judgment part. We actually have to tactically figure out what was it that caused me to regain? And so one example is inside my membership.
Speaker A [00:31:25]:
A lot of times when people join us and they say, like, I regained the last time, they find that while they were losing weight, a couple of things might have happened. Number one, they picked a diet that they were never going to keep doing. They picked something that they convinced themselves, I’m just going to do this. I’m going to do this really hard thing, and I’m going to have a lot of willpower. And when I lose the weight, I’ll probably feel so good that I’ll be fine. But then they’re trying to reintroduce all the foods that they ate before without any practice. And the second they reintroduce the foods, they are just flooded with, oh, my God, this is so good. And if all you did was willpower your way down to losing weight and you really suffered and you really struggled, the moment you start feeling good with the food, it is impossible to stop eating because you now do feel good, and you’re not going to want to go back to suffering.
Speaker A [00:32:35]:
And every time you tell yourself, I’ll start over tomorrow, I’ll go back to what I was doing tomorrow, your brain’s like, oh, no, are you kidding me? We feel too good. That was suffering, and we did it for a long time. I’m not going back. And so your brain will offer up every excuse. It will tempt you. It will have cravings. It will have all the things. So those are just the first two steps.
Speaker A [00:32:59]:
We have to first, we have to forgive ourselves. We have to make peace with the regain, and then we have to figure out, what did we do the last time that we need to learn from. This time so we don’t set ourselves up for that again. There are other things that you need to do, but that will help you kind of get started. So if you want and you join, no BS, there is a Regain Solution class that you can take that will help you walk through that. I also have an autoimmune issue and can’t figure out what to do because nothing is working. Any ideas? Unless I know it like I don’t really know how to teach you about specific things to eat for the autoimmune things. But when you say nothing is working, I want you to just at least ask this question am I actually compliant? Am I actually doing it? And this is what I watch.
Speaker A [00:33:52]:
Some people with autoimmune, they think they need to switch everything overnight and so they do it in fits and starts. So they’ll do it for a week or two and then for a few days they’ll eat some shit. They may not be binging their face off, but they may be like grab assing. Like just eating a little here, a little there, then they go back to it. And if you need to make one of those big shifts, it takes a long time for everything to click in. So you have to ask yourself, am I actually doing it consistently enough for long enough to see that? And if you’re not, then we have to start looking at why do sometimes we become inconsistent in those moments when we’re not consistent? What is it that we need to do or tell ourselves or think differently to be more consistent? Are we not being consistent because we keep telling ourselves things like little things won’t hurt and it’s like, well, little things actually are hurting. Because I’m trying things for a couple of weeks, I do this, I give my body a signal that it’s not really healing. Then I have to start over.
Speaker A [00:35:04]:
And when I start over again, I feel really bad about myself. And then I set myself up to have more inconsistent eats. We have to just look at all the reasons, like what’s going on, like what actually isn’t working. I have completely changed my diet and I am white knuckling it to see some changes in my blood work in September. I’m worried that if I don’t see changes, I’ll just go back to eating all the crap. You will if you are telling yourself right now the only reason why I’m doing this is to see changes in September. If you don’t see changes, then yeah, you just took away all your motivation and your why. This is the thing as you’re doing it, we have to address now why are you white knuckling this? What are you telling yourself that causes you to be using so much willpower? If you’re using words, here’s the easy way.
Speaker A [00:35:55]:
What are you telling yourself? I should eat, I have to eat. We have to change here’s two easy tips. Rather than saying I should just say, like, I choose to choose to is a really good way to be, like, telling yourself the truth. You don’t have to do jack shit for your blood work. You can keep eating like crap and just not give a fuck about your blood work. You don’t choose to do that. And the person who chooses to work on their blood work is also choosing these foods. So when you’re sitting there telling yourself you have to, you have to, you have to, it’s just a lie.
Speaker A [00:36:37]:
And when you lie to yourself, it always feels gross. The other thing is, like, when you tell yourself you should, you just tell yourself, no, that is not the truth. I’m going to do this. I’m going to see what impact it has on my blood work. And if it doesn’t have impact on my blood work, you have to start telling yourself, here’s how I will show up for myself. You already know there’s one way you might show up for yourself. You may show up for yourself like an asshole and give it all up and tell yourself nothing works. And you might have a pity party, but you’ve also got to decide, here’s the other way I can show up.
Speaker A [00:37:22]:
Here’s the other person that I can be, and this is what she’s going to be like. Like, a lot of you, you forget. You get to decide how you show up for yourself. And if you don’t like the automatic way you will, then you better come up with an on purpose way that you will. I was told years ago that I can’t have a knee replacement until I lost weight. That was, like, four years ago. I think part of my problem is simple rebellion. Any suggestions on how to quit rebelling? First, before you can quit rebelling, you got to know why you’rebelling what are you telling yourself? That’s just not true.
Speaker A [00:38:04]:
A lot of it is that bullshit of like, a lot of us want to rebel because the way that we say things is like, I have to lose weight to get a knee replacement. No, you don’t. You just proved you don’t. For four years, you’ve proved you can always choose not to get a knee replacement because you didn’t lose weight. You’re not rebelling against shit. Here’s the other thing. Whatever you tell yourself that you have to do to lose weight, you have to look like, what am I telling myself I have to do to lose weight? You may want to choose to do it. You probably need to be inside of no BS, because I’m going to tell all of you, if you’ve got, like, rebel mentality, you lose motivation.
Speaker A [00:38:42]:
These are emotional issues with weight loss. This is not food issues. A lot of you are asking me questions about how to lose weight that are laced in you’re not addressing your emotions. You’re like, just tell me what to do, and I’ll just feel like shit while I do it. How about we stop doing that horseshit? That’s why it never works. I was just diagnosed with prediabetes in that ten minute conversation with the doc. It was control this with your diet on your own and lose 40 pounds. Any advice where to start? Keto and low carb.
Speaker A [00:39:18]:
The same. I don’t know. I don’t teach keto and low carb. Go Google. That’s a Google question. But here’s the thing. If you want to lose 40 pounds, I coach plenty of people who are pre diabetic all the time. Most of them, you know what they don’t need to give up? They don’t need to give up all the sugar and all the flour and all the things.
Speaker A [00:39:43]:
You know what they need to give up? Emotional eating. Because most of the time, when they’re filling their emotions with sugar and shit, if they fix the emotions, they automatically drop a lot of their sugar consumption. They automatically drop a lot of their consumption of just stuff that doesn’t make them feel good physically. But I will tell you this. When your emotions are being filled with food and you physically feel bad, you will prioritize emotional feeling good over physical. I watch people do it all the time. A lot of you think you should be motivated because you physically feel bad. But if you are scared, if you are in fear, if you are feeling despair and loneliness, your brain is like, oh, no, we got to solve for that.
Speaker A [00:40:36]:
You can deal with knee pain. You can deal with this pain. That’s the real things we have to be working on. I’m hyperthyroid and nothing works. How do I deal with feeling hopeless and frustrated? Well, I would just tell myself, I’m hyperthyroid. Maybe I have to live with this now. I need to start making peace with this may be something I live with for all my life. It’s just like when people lose a limb, they can sit for the rest of their life and think about our servicemen that come back and their leg got blowed off by an IED or a limb.
Speaker A [00:41:22]:
They mourn that and they miss that, and there are times they wish it hadn’t happened. But they’re also like, and I got to live my life. I got to figure out how to live with this. They give themselves one option. How am I going to move forward with it if nothing’s working for hyperthyroid? You may have to start doing more work now on where am I telling myself things where I feel hopeless and I’ve got to work on how I want to live the rest of my life with it instead of rebelling and arguing and lashing out against it. I’m on ten different psych meds. Each causes hunger and weight gain. What can I do? I would talk to my doctor about that.
Speaker A [00:42:10]:
That’s actually more of a medical thing. That’s not anything. That’s just not in the scope of something that a weight loss coach on the Internet, on a free Facebook Live really should be talking about. So I would actually go to my doctor and I would talk to them about what should I do about this, how do I let go of the carbs at night is the worst. First of all, I want to know why you want to let go of the carbs just for all of you. Women need about at least 130 grams of carbs a day. I don’t suggest you count them, but a lot of you think you have to let go of carbs unless you have a doctor telling you you are allergic to carbs and should never eat them or you’ll die. Most of you are trying to address losing carbs because the diet industry has bastardized them.
Speaker A [00:42:58]:
130 grams of carbs a day is like nine slices of bread. And if I told everybody, hey, I want you to eat meat and vegetables all day, but I need you to eat nine pieces of bread too, most of you would be like, oh my God, I’m going to gain so much weight. This will never work. And yet it would be just fine. Women especially need carbs for brain health, for energy, and for balanced hormones. So unless you have a damn good reason, you do not need to be cutting out carbs. But if you are overeating them at night, you need to cut out thinking that you have a carb problem. You need to start figuring out, like, why do I want to eat at night when I’m not hungry? What’s going on emotionally for me? And I need to solve for that.
Speaker A [00:43:48]:
And then I won’t have a carb problem anymore. How do I quit snacking and nighttime eating? Kind of the same. I just talked about that. How do I work through my emotions? I need a double knee replacement surgery. I’m in. No BS. Go to module two. So you’re already in no BS.
Speaker A [00:44:08]:
That’s literally everything we teach in module two. And then what I would do is working through your emotions. I would go to pathways after you take module two, do the thought work path. That’s how you work through the emotions and use ask Coaches. So whatever’s coming up for you as like you work on your four ends and stuff, take it to ask Coaches and say, like, now here’s the thoughts I’m finding about my double knee replacement surgery. And they will help you and they will give you coaching videos to watch. They will give you every resource we have and they will tell you, hey, try this, maybe work on this thought, but take it to ask coaches. But I want you to listen to module two first because that’s the exact steps on how to work through the emotions.
Speaker A [00:44:54]:
All right, let’s do one more. I emotionally eat. I need help with this I’m currently on saxinda for weight loss injection. But I know when I stop taking this, the weight will be back on. What can I do to keep this from happening? It’s a good question. Inside of our group we have been doing some of the weight loss drugs calls. So a lot of my members are also on them. You still have to work on the emotions and this is what we want to do.
Speaker A [00:45:21]:
Sometimes what people feel is when they are on the weight loss drugs, while their appetite is kind of suppressed and that kind of stuff. When you’re not eating, you are noticing, you’re feeling emotions, you’re feeling things. Maybe you’re agitated, maybe you’re restless, but you’re not hungry, or maybe you’re a little nauseous, so you’re overriding it. We want to pay attention to what feelings are coming up around when you’re not eating now and we want to work through those. And then one of the other things that you can do, and this is one of the things that I try to tell people all the time is when you’re on, like if you have weight loss surgery or you take one of the new class of weight loss drugs and stuff, it is more important that you do a lot of the mental work. Like what we do inside of no BS. Because you don’t want to set yourself up to take away the appetite suppressant. Take all of that away and then you’re back to coping with your life, with whatever foods you were eating before because now you don’t have the scale going down to offset.
Speaker A [00:46:31]:
So this is what I see very often with weight loss surgery and with the weight loss drugs is I’m doing these things and I’m getting a high off of losing weight, I’m getting a high off of not being hungry. I’m kind of getting those dopamine hits that is masking what I was eating over to begin with. Then I lose the weight and I’m not getting that high anymore. So for about two to three months after you lose all of your weight, you feel pretty fucking good. Then there’s a condition called Hedonic conditioning that happens. It is a natural thing the human brain is designed to do. Its job is to take something that you’re super excited about and make it normal. Because we’re not supposed to be high all the time and we’re also not supposed to be low all the time.
Speaker A [00:47:22]:
So our brain’s job is to try to keep us just in a stable emotional pattern. So Hedonic conditioning means whatever I’m excited about, over time it just becomes my new normal. It’s just like if you get a new car, you swear to God you’re going to take care of it. It smells so new. Nobody’s eating in the car. Like all the things, three or four months later, kids are eating in the car. Doesn’t feel as special. You’re used to it.
Speaker A [00:47:53]:
It’s just your car. Now, the same thing happens with weight loss. After a little bit, you’re not riding high on it anymore. You’re not getting hits off the scale going down. Like you’re maintaining. So insecurities get to come back up. Well, I hope you don’t gain weight, because if you didn’t do that mental work all the way down, your brain is going to be like, I hope you don’t gain weight. You better be good.
Speaker A [00:48:14]:
There’s no room for error. You know, you’re not on the drug anymore. You need to pay attention to everything. So then you start feeling anxiety again. You start feeling worry. You start feeling fear, and you don’t have the drug, or you don’t have something to offset that. So your brain goes to, well, what worked in the past, because if she didn’t really learn how to think better about herself, if she didn’t really learn how to deal with her emotions, if she didn’t really learn how to identify what causes her fear and anxiety, oh, I know. Ding dongs ho HOS, twinkies.
Speaker A [00:48:53]:
Your brain is just going to go back to what it knew, and then it’s going to start offering all that. It’s like, oh, my God, she’s over here worrying about her weight loss. I think you might be hungry. You know, you did so good. You might want to try a ho. That’s how that cycle works. So, for all of you who have had weight loss surgery or you are on some of the new class of weight loss drugs, we work with you on all of this. Inside of no BS.
Speaker A [00:49:20]:
I teach people how to do the four basics. They work with all of that. And we also work with you on those things because no one is going to lose weight avoiding the emotional work. You can either do it as you lose weight so that you can keep it off, or you can lose weight avoiding it and then be faced with all of your emotional work you didn’t do at the very end. And that is the worst time to do it and the hardest time to do it. All right, everybody. If you would like to join no BS. You can go to nobsweightloss.com.
Speaker A [00:49:58]:
My team will put links inside the comments. If you have never taken my free course, you can go to Nobsfreecourse.com, and you can take my free weight loss course. We would love to have you inside of our membership. Please make sure that you check us out. And if you don’t, listen to my podcast, Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne, I will see you all again soon. Otherwise, you all have a good day, and I hope you enjoyed today’s lesson. Bye, y’all. Bye.