Updated: December 12, 2023
Episode 61: How To Assess Your Weekend
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Did you know that weekends are 1/3 of your weightloss?
Yep! It’s why we have done this three part series for you.
Today’s episode is the one you MUST pay attention to. In the third episode of our weekend series, we talk about how to assess your weekend.
It’s time to take a look at what went right, what needs improvement and what can stay the same.
When you take the time to examine your behaviors…girl you have ARRIVED!
Most people just throat punch themselves when things aren’t happening the way they want. Not you. You are going to learn.
And for those who are doing great I HIGHLY recommend the assessment.
Why? NONE of us spend near enough time reviewing our own damn highlight reels. You want good behavior to repeat itself? Then be willing to review it like you would your mistakes. 🙂
Go to phit.click/podcast to listen to this week’s episode.
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